- Erie's Public Schools
- Erie's Public Schools | Erie Pennsylvania
Community members: Provide feedback
Erie's Public Schools community:
We want to hear from you! Your voice is critical in the selection of our district's next leader.
Erie's Public Schools is holding public forums for each of three candidates: Dr. Rainey Briggs (2/3), Ms. Teresa Szumigala (2/4), and Dr. Natalyn Gibbs (2/6). Following the conclusion of each forum, you will have the opportunity to offer your feedback on that candidate.
Links to surveys will be made public here at the conclusion of each forum. All feedback forms will be open until 9 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 7.
Dr. Rainey Briggs, superintendent, School District of Baraboo, Baraboo, Wisc.
Provide your feedback here.
Ms. Teresa Szumigala, assistant superintendent, Erie's Public Schools
Provide your feedback here.
Dr. Natalyn Gibbs, executive director of schools/associate superintendent, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Nashville, Tenn.
Provide your feedback here.