Engineering Fundamentals - Textbook

Engineering Fundamentals

Engineering Fundamentals provides high school students with a complete introduction to the field of engineering. The textbook begins with an extensive, five-chapter introduction to the engineering design process. This section is followed by nine chapters focused on engineering disciplines. Each of these chapters describes the specific engineering career, its educational requirements, some of the basic math and science principles applicable to the discipline, and examples of real-world engineering projects. Engineering Fundamentals is appropriate for all levels of student. The textbook is intended to educate students about career opportunities in engineering and to provide practical applications of math and science principles. The goal of the book is to inspire students to consider engineering-related careers and to be more successful in their math and science courses. Engineering Fundamentals provides a comprehensive, traditional teaching package. Textbook content is reinforced by textbook and workbook activities. The teaching package includes ExamView test banks and PowerPoint presentations. Engineering Fundamentals provides the traditional structured learning model to support an activity-based curriculum.

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