• Google Classroom

    Here are the step by step directions for setting up google classroom. Remember this doesn't start until April 20th.

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  • Journal assignment

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  • Reading comprehensions


    This is the home page. You can access many reading comprehensions. Most articles when you scroll down can read the article to you. There is also a quiz with 10 you should take to make sure you have mastered the assignment. Other activities may include: crossword puzzles and word searches. Feel Free to complete.

    1. Under  history scroll to 1900-present. Find 9/11. Read article and take quiz.

    2. Under biographies; go to entrepreneurs. You can read about what is an entrepreneur and then click on the individual entrepreneurs.

    3. Under biographies go to inventors and read that one choosing the different inventors.

    Feel free to email me your test scores.

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  • Smartfutures


    Only do activities 1,4,5,6. Make sure gathering your thoughts is completed to recieve the credit. Feel free to earn badges also.

    login with eriesd plus your lunch number

    password: same as the one you use on schools computers.

    If you need help email me.

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  • Brainpop


    They are giving away free subscriptions while schools are on shutdown. Feel free to register for one under the family access. There are all subject contents with videos and quizzes that you can complete.

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  • learning games

    SS Learning games

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  • mrnussbaum SS games

    mrnussbaum SS games

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  • CNN10 news

    CNN10 news

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  • ESD resources

    Eriesd home packets

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  • Schedule

    Here are a list of resources to help keep you engaged during our shutdown. I highly suggest you make a schedule and stick to it Monday-Friday. Complete some school work, do household chores, build break time, and then read. This would be a good time to get that acitivity done you really have been putting off.

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