• kids on computer    
    Elementary (Pre-K-5)
    Imagine a young girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut.  If she learns that she'll need a degree in Science, Engineering or Math to make her dream come true, then she's on her way.  With the right information delivered at the right time, in a way that's engaging and inspirational, she has a real chance to fulfill her potential.  ccSpark for K-5, uses a fun, educational role playing game called Sparkdale to help younger students learn about careers, life-planning and social skills.  It's unique, age-appropriate and inspiring.    
    Career Cruising:    ccSpark
     ccSpark includes a series of games that cover more than seventy careers, from doctor to urban planner, landscaper to industrial designer, food scientist to web developer.  In each game the student takes the reins as the problem-solver, selecting where to go, who to talk to and what questions to ask.  
    At the end of each game, students complete activities designed to encourage reflection and apply early career development building blocks including personal reflection, real world planning, goal setting, and strategies for school success.   
    Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Strands: 
    • 13.1 - Career Awareness and Preparation
    • 13.2 - Career Acquisition
    • 13.3 - Career Retention and Advancement
    • 13.4 - Entrepreneurship
    Other Career Activities found in the following Areas: