Welcome to the WIlson Art Department
  • Woodrow Wilson Visual Arts
    Art Instructor: Shawntae Howard
    School Phone:(814) 874-6600
    E-Mail: showard@eriesd.org
    Room #:114
    Classes: Sixth, Seventh, Eigth Grade Art
    Welcome Message:
     Welcome parents and students to the my Woodrow Wison Art Page.
    The goal for my class is to prepare students for high school Visual
    Arts by introducing them to different basic techniques in ilustration,
    painting, and 3-Dimensional art. 
    Students do not need to have any prior knowledge or skill in doing
    visual arts, but they are expected to participate and give an honest
    effort in doing class projects. Students are evaluated on their effort
    and participation, not on their overall artistic skill level. 
    Please be sure to check Infinite Campus and/or Schoology for student grades during the course of the quarter. 

    November 21st, 2023 is a virtual Parent/Teacher Conference day. You can meet with your student's VISUAL ARTS teacher by clicking on the following link: Virtual Conference Link for Mr. Howard Nov 21st, 2023

    It will be first-come-first-served with parents being put in a virtual waiting room until the previous parent's conference has concluded and then you will be linked in.


    Starting time is from 8 am EST to 12pm EST.



    For the 2024 Black History Month activities, the students of Woodrow Wilson Middle School did paintings based on the art style of African-American Harlem Renaissance painter Aaron Douglass. Aaron Douglas was a mural painter and graphic artist who played a leading role in the 1920s-1930s Harlem Renaissance movement that attempted to showcase the various talents of Black Americans in the Visual, Performing, and Literary arts. A Fisk University teacher, Douglas would win countless honors, including an invitation to the White House by President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Students honor his art style by creating works of their own based on the styling of his work. Key visual elements in Douglas's work are the repeated use of circles, minimal colors of different values, and silhouetted figures. 

Student work 1
Student work 2
Student work 3
Student work 4
Student work 5
Student work 6
Student work 7

Have a look at some of the amazing digital art and animations made by the 2020-2021 8th Grade.

Created by Si'Niya Manus
Created by Zainb Al'Habib
Created by Kylie Caylor
Created by Michael Cox
Created by Alleyah Jibul
Created by Minh Nguyen
Created by Victoria Tirpak
Created by Joesph Paradisi
Created by Arabella Baker
Created by Taivoun Willams
Created by Benjamin Saldana
Created by Arianna Thorton