• Welcome to Fourth Grade!!
    Room 99 Mr. Gordon 
    Mr. Tim Gordon  
    Grover Cleveland School
    (814) 877-6670
    Welcome Back! We will be implementing a new dismissal procedure. If someone is picking up your child, they will need to come to the doors where they are dismissed and show the keychain tags that were provided at the open house or sent home. We hope that this will provide a much safer way for all of our students to get home from Grover Cleveland. Our classroom is located in the basement, we will enter and exit through the back Northwest doors by the blacktop! I am excited about the new year. As it begins, I am sure there will be many changes as we move along, but please remember that your child needs to come to school daily with their charged device, planner and any homework. They will have the opportunity to eat breakfast in the classroom each day. We are on a six-day special schedule this year, so we will start updating their planners weekly with their specials each week. Again, I am looking forward to an exciting beginning to a new year with your child. You can reach out through your child's planner or send me an email. I hope this year will be a wonderful experience for you and your child!
    Thanks again,
    Mr. Gordon

    Fourth Grade Daily Schedule

    8:00-8:20 Arrival and Breakfast

    8:20-8:40 Morning Meeting/SWIBS

    8:30-9:10  Class Intervention/i-Ready/Amplify

    9:10-9:50 Related Arts/i-Ready/Amplify

    9:50-11:20 CKLA

    11:20-12:10 Science

    12:10-12:40 Lunch

    12:40-12:55 Recess

    12:55-2:15 Math

    2:15-2:30 Prepare for dismissal/Dismissal


    Day 1 Amplify/i-Ready, Day 2 Gym, Day 3 Music, Day 4 Art, Day 5 Amplify/i-Ready, Day 6 Art