• 5 Points

    4 Points

    3 Points

    1-2 points

    0 Points

    Is prepared for class, participates in warm-ups, is respectful to the teacher and classmates, demonstrates maximum effort.

    Is not prepared for class, participates in warm-ups, is respectful to the teacher and classmates, demonstrates maximum effort.

    Is prepared for class, is a disruption or distraction during class, teacher repeats student name to redirect behavior.

    Is prepared for class, is a disruption or distraction during class, student is disrespectful to teacher or classmates.

    Returns to homeroom teacher or leaves room without permission.

  • Students automatically have 5 points for each class.  Their behavior and decisions determine how many points they keep.  To be prepared for class, they need to wear sneakers.  Wearing crocs, boots or shoes without laces is considered a safety issue and they will not be able to participate fully in class.  Please note what day the student has physical education and remind them to wear sneakers or bring sneakers to school with them.  If your family can not afford sneakers, please contact me (csitek@eriesd.org) and I can make arrangements for them. 


    Thank you,

    Ms. Sitek