• Welcome to Mr. Italiani's Website!
     Room #: 206
    Strong Vincent Middle School
    7th Grade Pre-Algebra
    Hello! There will be THREE resources that I will ask you to use during this time.  I've listed them below, with instructions on how to access the sites.  I will give a weekly or daily breakdown of what I want you to work on from these resources.  Keep checking on this page for guided assignment instructions.  
    1) Work on the ALEKS program (www.aleks.com) for about 40 minutes to an hour per day.  If you forgot or don't have access to your ALEKS username and password, email me at ditaliani@eriesd.org and I will get those to you.  You may need to do a 'knowledge check' before choosing your own path.  At first, choose the topics that involve solving equations and inequalities.  If you finish all those topics then you may choose whatever you want as a pathway. 
    2) Use the following website link (https://www.khanacademy.org/math/pre-algebra) for another excellent resource for sharpening your pre-algebra skills!  Again, start with the sections that involve solving equations and inequalities.  
    3) From the main district page (www.eriesd.org), click on the tab 'work from home: English Language Arts and Math packets', then choose the 'Grade 7' file.  Read the instructions, and the math worksheets begin on page 43 of the 84-page packet.  
    Check back to this page often, as I will update it with focused assignments from these resources posted.  
    *NOTE: these assignments do NOT need to be submitted, and will NOT affect the students' grade.  These are for enrichment purposes.