• Homework

    Homework will be sent home in your child's take-home folder. Please make sure to check this daily, as parent signatures are required at the top of their homework assignment prior to bringing them back to school.

    IPads should be brought back to school fully charged every day, as we use them daily and there is only 1 extra! Please remember without their iPad, students will not be able to complete daily lessons and fail to stay on track with their peers. 



    Our Class Pet

    Class Pet  

       Every student will have an opportunity (if they choose) to take our "class pet" home over the weekend. Our class pet is a stuffed guinea pig. The students will also be sent home with a hamster composition notebook. In this notebook, the students will be asked to write about what they did together that weekend. Some examples are watching a movie, doing homework, playing outside, playing video games, having dinner, etc. They will be asked to bring both him and the notebook back on the next school day. This is a great opportunity to learn about some of the student's favorite hobbies and allows us to create a more positive classroom community.