• Mrs. Conrad's 6th Grade Social Studies Class

    Throughout the month of September, we will be working on map skills and the 5 themes of geography.  

    As we move into October, we will start our first unit on Ancient Mesopotamia.
      During the second quarter, the focus will be on Ancient Egypt.  We will be learning about the culture, government, and religion of Ancient Egypt.  Some specific topics of study include the following:  pharaohs, pyramids, hieroglyphs, mummies, and the geography of Egypt.  The unit will culminate with a district mandated essay describing how the civilization of Ancient Egypt demonstrated the 5 Themes of Geography.

    There will be homework every Monday and Wednesday.  The students should be writing their homework assignments in their planners.  Please check your child's planner to confirm that he or she has completed the assigned homework.  

    I will update Infinite Campus on a regular basis.  Please check your child's grades often to monitor his/her progress. 

    As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  A link to my email address is listed below.  If the link does not work on your computer, you will need to open your own email account and type in the address listed below.