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- Erie High School
- Meet the Teacher
Name: Ms. Gina Zona (Ms. Zona, Ms. Z)
School: Erie High School
E-mail: gzona@eriesd.org
Classroom Office: Room A103
Phone: 814/874-6200 Ext. 1652
Classes: Junior Seminar and Sophomore Seminar
I will share with you some tips on how to explore career interests, how to communicate in the business setting, and, with an eye to your future, how to fulfill job exploration criteria required by Pennsylvania to graduate. You will also complete School-Connect modules and My Readiness Coach lessons, both online portals, to move you toward your educational and career goals. It is never too early to focus on graduating!
Office Hours: If you need to speak to me about anything (class stuff, a difficult assignment, your grade, career plans, a problem you are having, a random thing you saw, etc.), you can find me in Room A103, Thursdays, 3.40 to 4:20 p.m. or by appointment Monday through Friday 8:00 to 8:40 a.m.
So glad you stopped by my page! I can't wait to help you launch your future!