• Hello students and parents,

    I am thrilled to be your 9th-grade ELA teacher! My name is Ms. Grace Lehrian, and I am passionate about fostering a love for lifelong learning. Growing up in the beautiful state of  Pennsylvania, I have always been inspired by the rich history and diverse culture that Erie has to offer. I'm elated to be working with the future leaders and members of our community.

    One of the key values I hold dear is having a growth mindset. I believe that intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. With this mindset, I encourage students to embrace challenges, learn from their mistakes, and persist in the face of obstacles. Together, we cultivate resilience and grit, which are essential qualities for success in both academics and life.

    In our classroom, I aim to create an environment that promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and collaboration. I am here to support and guide my students on their educational journey, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to grow. Whether it's through engaging discussions, hands-on activities, or thought-provoking assignments, I am committed to helping you reach your full potential.

    Outside of the classroom, you can find me exploring the vibrant arts scene in Erie, visiting the local museums, or enjoying the breathtaking views of Lake Erie. I believe that learning extends beyond the walls of the classroom, and I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities our community has to offer.

    I am excited to embark on this educational adventure with you all. Let's embrace the joy of learning, develop a growth mindset, and cultivate resilience and grit together. Here's to a successful and fulfilling year ahead!

    Warm regards,

    Ms. Lehrian