- Erie's Public Schools
- Erie's Public Schools | Erie Pennsylvania
Media Opt-Out Form & Revised Family Information Guide
EPS families,
As the school year begins, we have two important announcements:
Throughout the year, a number of school events, programs, and classroom lessons take place that are of interest to both school district media (cable channel, website, school newsletters, etc.) and regional print and broadcast media (newspapers, television, radio, etc.) During these activities, students and staff may be photographed or interviewed to increase public awareness of our school and/or individual student accomplishments. If you DO NOT want your children to be photographed, videotaped or interviewed, please complete and return the 2023-2024 Media Opt-Out Form available at your child’s school.
Also, we have revised some legal language in our annual Family Information Guide (this revision occurred after you may have received a printed copy of the guide in the mail). You may review the revised guide at eriesd.org/familyguide or ask for copies of the revised pages at your child’s school.
Erie's Public Schools