• Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, 2022-2023 School Year

    Erie’s Public Schools are committed to the belief all children can learn and acknowledges parents share in our commitment to the educational success of their children.

    Fall 2022-23

    We recognize a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and family. To effectively educate all students, the schools and parents must work together as equal partners.  We define parent and family involvement as an ongoing process assisting parents and families in meeting their basic obligation as the first educators for their children.  This process promotes a clear two-way dialogue between home and school and supports parents as leaders and decision makers in all instances concerning the education of their children.

    To this end, and in keeping with the guidelines of the Every Student Succeeds Act, parents and school staff jointly develop Title I Family Involvement Programs in all of our buildings.  Parents, community members, and school district personnel meet in the summer and fall to review Title I documents and make necessary revisions to school-level plans.  Appropriate offerings and practices will be implemented to enhance family engagement activities and reflect the needs of the students and families. Each school’s family engagement program will provide a guideline for designing rewarding and beneficial experiences for students, families, and staff.  In the spring of each year, the Title I team will provide families with opportunities to offer input for the Title I program, school level plan, and family engagement activities via the Needs Assessment Surveys.  The Family and Parent Engagement Program will include a school-parent compact; and support the development, implementation, and regular evaluation of the family involvement program by parents.

    Family involvement is an ongoing process assisting parents in working with their children at home and makes them feel part of the school community.  We recognize the importance of parents being the first educators their children will encounter.  We will continue to promote two-way communication between home and school.  Valuing the importance of the role of all parents, we will ask for their input as leaders and decision-makers in our schools.

     General Expectations

    • Erie’s Public Schools will offer activities and procedures for the involvement of parents in all of our schools consistent with section 1118(e) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  These programs will be planned and operated in conjunction with parents of participating children.  In the spring of each year, parents will be able to provide input in the development of the Title I Plan by completing a Needs Assessment Survey in all schools.  This survey will be accessible in paper format as well as online. 
    • All Title I schools will involve parents in the development of a school-parent compact on a yearly basis.
    • The school district will incorporate the district-wide family engagement policy into the LEA plan developed using ESSA guidelines.
    • All families are welcomed and encouraged to participate in family involvement activities.  We will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English speaking abilities, parents of students with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.  
    • To the greatest extent possible, we will provide information and school reports to parents in an understandable and uniform format.  This would include translating important documents for families with limited English proficiency.
    • If parents have any complaints about the district’s plan for family involvement, they may submit their thoughts and suggestions to Andrea Gloystein (agloystein@eriesd.org or 814-874-6500).  This procedure will be shared with parents during each of the schools’ Title I Parent Nights.  EPS will include parent comments to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) while filing their annual plan.
    • Parents will be included in making spending decisions regarding the 1% of Title I, Part A funds reserved for parent engagement.  Parents are encouraged to work with the Title I teachers in their child’s school to assist in the spending plans.
    • Individual schools will notify parents of the existence of a Parent Information and Resource Center if one exists.  Not all schools will have a Resource Center.
    • Parents representing all of Erie’s Public Schools will be invited to revise and construct the district’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy.  
    • All parents in Erie’s Public Schools will have the opportunity to complete an end of year survey reviewing the family engagement activities offered by the individual buildings.
    • The results from this survey will be used when planning activities for the following school year.  Information will include barriers to greater participation in activities, needs of parents and family members to assist with the learning of their children, and strategies to support successful school and family interactions.
    • The school district will partner with other programs (such as Head Start) to help our learners transition into our schools. Each building will develop its own Transition Plan narrative detailing specific strategies regarding transitions at all grade levels.



    • EPS, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools, will aid parents of children in understanding topics such as:
    • PA Core standards
    • Student achievement standards
    • State and local assessments (including alternate assessments)
    • Monitoring student progress
    • How to work with your child’s teacher(s) to increase achievement
    •  Working with parents, the EPS will educate all staff on different communication strategies with parents.  The district will stress the importance of working with parents as equal partners and strengthening the bond between home and school.
    •  All schools will hold annual Title I meetings to inform parents of the rights they have as Title I families.